Lawyers Are Hard Easy to Work With.


Fractional Engagements -
know your legal cost each month.

Many companies could use an in-house lawyer, but don’t hire one because they only need someone for a short time or even part-time, rather than a full-time, salaried lawyer.

So instead, you engage a lawyer and pay a high hourly rate, which costs more and can discourage you from getting your lawyer involved early on when you need it.

A fractional engagement is like having an outsourced, part-time lawyer on your team for a set monthly cost that’s much less than a billable hour engagement.

  • I offer fractional engagements as an outsourced General Counsel or Senior Legal professional to add support to your executive or legal teams.

    Think of me as an embedded team member, complete with a company email address if you wish.

  • Engagements are flexible to meet your needs. We can do 20, 40, or 60-hour engagements. If you need someone for 80+ hours a month, that’s also a possibility.

    We can structure your hours as a pool that you draw on each month, which is the most popular option. We can also look at daily or weekly commitments if you need a set schedule.

  • The length of time all depends on what you need. The minimum engagement is one month. I like my clients, so there is no maximum engagement length.

    I ask for one month notice of ending the fractional engagement to allow me to plan my hourly availability for other clients.

  • A fractional engagement is not like a billable hour model. All fractional engagements are at a discounted rate compared to my normal hourly rate. They are also charged as fixed monthly fees rather than a billable hour.

    I work with you to figure out how many hours you need based on the projects and work you have going on. We then set a fixed monthly fee, similar to a salary, for that work.

    A big advantage is that you know each month what your monthly spend will be on legal work.

    If we go over the hours we’ve set for our engagement, the additional hours are charged at a discounted rate.

    The cost is designed to be closer to what you would pay a legal professional as a salaried employee, but you only pay for the time you actually need.

    • Experienced legal help on your team: You get a very experienced lawyer that gets to know your business inside and out, integrates directly with your team, and is always up to date on your operations. In less “lawyerly” words, you get a true partner.

    • Predictable, fixed monthly cost: A big advantage is that you know each month what your monthly spend will be on legal work.

    • Lower cost, same high quality: The cost is designed to be closer to what you would pay a legal professional as a salaried employee, but you only pay for the time you actually need. That’s gets you the upside of an in-house lawyer for an efficient price.

    • What’s in it for me as your lawyer and why do I offer this? The benefit to me is that I get predictable workflow from my clients and as a business person, predictable, recurring revenue is something I like. Win-win, right?

  • I work remotely mostly, which tends to be the more convenient option for most of my clients.

    I can also work in your office. I enjoy meeting the team and we’re free to come up with a working arrangement that suits both of us well.

    I also provide my own computer and cloud storage systems for our files (all Microsoft to ensure high security standards). But I can also get set up on your systems if you prefer.


Legal Advice by the Hour.

(i.e., the “normal” way of doing it).

I also work in the standard, bill-by-the-hour way. My standard hourly rate is $425/hour. So if you need shorter projects done, contract drafting or reviews, or just simple legal advice, I do all of that normal sort of law work, too.


Director and Advisory Positions.

I offer my services as both a Director or Board Advisor on a retainer (fixed fee) basis. I’ve been a Director or Board Advisor for large public companies to small, promising startups and offer both extensive legal and business experience.


I Help Law Firms, Too.

Transaction Support.

Whether you need another experienced person on your team or knowledge from a particular industry, I team up with law firms to assist them with their client transactions.

I also team up with law firms when my in-house clients need support on a larger transaction. Working together, we can coordinate a great working relationship to get the deal across the line.


Coming from a big firm and large public and private organization background, I understand why clients can use the help of a lawyer working with them on secondment. But sometimes it can be hard for the firm to spare an associate lawyer on a secondment for the time the client needs.

Working with the law firm and in full cooperation with you, I am available for your secondment needs to support your client experience.


Let's Work Together.

Book a free consult or ask me to get in touch with you.

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Send me a message and I’ll get in touch.